Creating atmosphere
with form and function:
Light Design Elements

Illuminated design elements for urban spaces
Paths are usually structured using different materials, colours, paving sizes and joint patterns. Our Urban Light Elements extend the possibilities of sophisticated open space design. They not only add visual presence to surfaces with their shape, they also create an open and safe atmosphere with their illumination.
BEGA Urban Light Elements are robust design elements made of cast aluminium. They are suitable for illuminating surfaces as well as seating.

Beautifully shaped signposts
Focus on the essential: this light design element illuminates the ground surfaces in front of it with a flat beam. That means: it shows clearly where the path leads. The light is completely shielded. This means it does not cause glare or spoil the view of the night sky.

Unshielded light cube
Radiantly bright: the unshielded light cube highlights its surroundings. The four-sided light output shines a light on parks, gardens and terraces. The robust aluminium body with illumination surfaces impressively combines a lighting element with seating.

Stylish light cuboid
The shielded light cube tastefully highlights paths and surfaces. It also creates a stylish light graphic on ground surfaces. Similar to its unshielded counterpart, the shielded light cube is a robust light design element made of aluminium – a luminaire and a seat at the same time.